This data frame must be converted into an H2o Frame called test before it can be fed to the H2o model for prediction One important thing to note is that the output from modelpredict() is an H2o frame and currently, Spyder ipython console doesn't show the h2o data frame correctly (you can follow the issue here on Github)H2O Xtream Cafe Grab a coffee on the go or sit down for a bite to eat at the H2O Xtream Cafe Prices Opening Hours Contact us Our Programmes Swim School What's On Upcoming events Friday Teen Time August 21 Teen Time is a dedicated time when we have the pools full of action, with inflatables, waves, slides, music & more!H2O Wave H2O Wave is an opensource Python development framework that makes it fast and easy for data scientists, machine learning engineers, and software developers to develop realtime interactive AI apps with sophisticated visualizations H2O Wave accelerates development with a wide variety of userinterface components and charts, including Meg